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Brownfield Revitalization in Pell City

This semester (Fall 2019) students in Dr. Mittal’s Synthesis Studio are working on developing several planning projects for Pell City, AL. This project is geared towards brownfield redevelopment of 14 sites throughout to city.


The synthesis studio students combine their knowledge  from all previous courses to complete the project and present it to city and area leaders.

Pell City is located within St. Clair County in Alabama. It was founded in 1890 and was incorporated in 1891. Pell City is home to 13,676 residents and sits in a unique location and is rapidly growing. In efforts to increase economic benefits, reuse, revitalize, and encourage community development in Pell City, students are to aid in the research of brownfield redevelopment to address issues, strategize, and create solutions.


With the support of Pell City Officials, ADEM, and the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham, students this semester are analyzing Pell City including its larger region, to first identify key planning issues, challenges, and concerns that the city faces (both now and potentially in the future), and then develop strategies and action plan for the city while using the brownfield sites for nodal developments to make the city more attractive and livable for its citizens.

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